The SKU Economics Report helps you analyze key economics metrics such as sales, FBA fees, returns, advertising costs, and net proceeds.
Note: To populate this report, turn on the “Activate report” toggle switch for SKU Economics Report on the SellerPulse dashboard.
Select SellerPulse in the top navigation and hover over the menu on the left. Click on Reports and choose Economics.
The data set for the SKU Economics Report includes sales, returns, fees, and ad spend data aggregated by child ASIN and by week over the last 12 weeks. Weeks begin on Sunday and end on Saturday, and the data is refreshed once each week.
The SKU Economics Reports includes three separate pages: Summary, Analyze FBA Fees, and Analyze Proceeds. The Summary page provides an overview of key economics metrics over time and by product, including Sales, Returns, FBA Fees, Ad Spend, and Proceeds. Analyze FBA Fees provides a detailed breakdown of FBA Fees by fee type, product, and week. Analyze Proceeds shows net proceeds by product and week, and allows you to export the data to a spreadsheet where you can add your Cost of Goods to calculate profit.
Jump to information on Analyze FBA Fees, Analyze Proceeds, use cases, or frequently asked questions.
The summary page provides an overview of the five key metrics in the report: Sales, Returns, FBA Fees, Ad Spend, and Proceeds. Each overview tile includes 3 components:
- Metric cards
- A bar and line chart showing weekly trends. The first metric is graphed with colored bars (e.g. Total Sales, Total Refunds), and the second metric is graphed with a blue line (e.g. Average Price, Return Rate).
- A table showing metrics by ASIN
You can click any ASIN in the tables to filter the entire summary page by that product. Hover over any ASIN to see its image, title, and average price. You can also click the table column headers to sort by that metric (e.g. which products have the highest return rate, lowest margin, biggest change in sales this week, etc.)
- Total Sales: the amount of ordered product sales in the marketplace currency. Total Sales by week is represented in the graph by the blue bars.
- Average Sales Price: average sales price over the selected time period, calculated by dividing Total Sales by Units Sold. Average Sales Price by week is represented in the graph by the blue line.
- This Week Change: the percentage change in sales over the last week.
- Total Refunds: the amount of refunded product sales, counted by date of refund request. Total Refunds by week is represented in the graph by the purple bars.
- Return Rate: The percentage of refunded units (Units Refunded / Units Sold). Return Rate by week is represented in the graph by the blue line.
- This Week Change: percentage change in Return Rate over the last week.
FBA Fees
- Total Fees: the amount of FBA fees applied to the product. Total FBA Fees by week is represented in the graph by the orange bars.
- Cost to Sales: the proportion of a product's FBA fees to its total sales (Total Fees / Total Sales). This metric shows how much of your sales is consumed by FBA Fees. Cost to Sales by week is represented in the graph by the blue line.
- This Week Change: percentage change in Total Fees over the last week.
Ad Spend
- Total Ad Spend: the total Sponsored Products advertising spend for the product. Total Ad Spend by week is represented in the graph by the pink bars.
- TACoS: total advertising cost of sale (Total Ad Spend / Total Sales). TACoS provides insight into how advertising impacts overall sales performance, including organic sales. TACoS by week is represented in the graph by the blue line.
- This Week Change: percentage change in Total Ad Spend over the last week.
- Total Proceeds: the total sales proceeds for each product after accounting for Refunds, FBA Fees, and Ad Spend (Proceeds = Sales - Refunds - FBA Fees - Ad Spend). You can subtract your Cost of Goods from Proceeds to calculate profit. Total Proceeds by week is represented in the graph by the green bars.
- Margin: proceeds as a percentage of sales. Margin by week is represented in the graph by the blue line.
- This Week Change: percentage change in Margin over the last week.

Analyze FBA Fees
The Analyze FBA Fees page allows you to see a breakdown of all the FBA Fee types charged over the last twelve weeks for the entire store and for individual ASINs. You can filter by product or fee type to analyze changes over time.
Fees by Product
The Products table shows the list of products that were charged FBA fees over the last 12 weeks, sorted by total FBA Fees charged. Click a product in the table to filter the page by product.
FBA Fee Type
The FBA Fee Type table shows a list of the FBA Fee Types that your store was charged over the last 12 weeks, the total amount charged, and the percentage of total fees charged. You can click a fee type in the table to filter the page for that fee type to see how that fee type changes over time and which products incur that fee type the most.
The FBA Fee Type donut chart allows you to visualize the percentage breakdown by fee type. You can filter by product to see how the fee type breakdown changes across your catalog.
Fees by Week
The Fees by Week bar chart shows total fee charges by type over time. You can select a single product or fee type in the tables below to see trends by product or type. You can also use the week filter to select a specific time range over the last 12 weeks.
Analyze Proceeds
The Analyze Proceeds page allows you to analyze your net proceeds from sales after taking away total refunds, FBA fees, and ad spend. You can evaluate net proceeds across the entire store or by product, filter to specific date ranges, and see changes in net proceeds over time. Additionally, you can export the raw data from the Proceeds Table into Excel and add your Cost of Goods for each ASIN to get a true profit calculation.
Proceeds Formula and Donut Chart
The Proceeds Formula visual shows how net proceeds is calculated by taking Sales and subtracting Refunds, FBA Fees, and Ad Spend.
The donut graph allows you to visualize Proceeds, Returns, FBA Fees, and Ad Spend as a percentage of total sales.
You can select an individual product from the Proceeds Table or filter by week to see how the net proceeds breakdown changes across your catalog and time.
Proceeds by Week
The Proceeds by Week line and bar chart allows you to see how your proceeds change over time. Sales are graphed as a blue bar above the X axis, while Refunds, FBA Fees, and Ad Spend are graphed as purple, orange, and pink bars below the X axis. Net Proceeds is graphed as a green line to show you how your overall Amazon business is performing on a week-to-week basis.
Proceeds Table
The Proceeds table provides a breakdown of all the key data points and ratios used to calculate and analyze net proceeds and profit:
- Total Sales
- Units Sold
- Refunds
- Return Rate
- Ad Spend
- FBA Fees
- Cost to Sales
- Proceeds
You can click on any product in the table to filter all visuals on the page, or click on any column to sort by that metric. For example, if you want to see which products are killing your profits, you can sort by the Proceeds column to see the products with the lowest Net Proceeds. From there, you can evaluate which costs are contributing to low proceeds, whether it’s high refunds, high ad spend, or FBA Fees.
To calculate true profit using your own Cost of Goods values, follow these steps:
- Hover your cursor over the Proceeds Table, click the “...” icon for more options, select Export Data, and then Export Data with current layout.
- In the spreadsheet of your data export, add two new columns to the end of your data:
- COGs per Unit = your per-unit cost of goods for each Child ASIN.
- Total COGs = COGs per Unit times Units Sold
- To calculate profit, simply subtract Total COGs from Proceeds.
Proceeds Ratio Tooltip
While it’s useful to see how total sales and costs contribute to your net proceeds over time, it’s also helpful to see these figures as a ratio of total sales to better understand changes over time. We include four critical ratios to help you evaluate Net Proceeds over time and across your catalog:
- Margin: Proceeds as a percentage of total sales (Proceeds / Sales)
- Return Rate: Returns as a percentage of sales (Units Returned / Units Sold)
- Cost to Sales: FBA Fees as a percentage of sales (FBA Fees / Sales)
- TACoS: Ad spend as a percentage of total sales (Ad Spend / Sales)
To see how these ratios change over time for a given product, simply hover over a product in the Proceeds Table, and the Proceeds Ratio tooltip will appear.
Use Cases
Identify under-performing products
- On the Summary page, sort by each of the key metrics to identify products that are under-performing.
- For products with low proceeds, go to the Analyze Proceeds page to identify which factors contribute to low proceeds, such as FBA fees, ad spend, or returns.
- If high FBA Fees are the issue, go to the Analyze FBA Fees page to see which fees
- If high Returns are the issue, go to the FBA Returns Report to see why buyers are returning this product
- For products with low sales, consider adjusting pricing, ad spend, improving the product or listing, or researching competitors.
Identify top-performing products
- On the Analyze Proceeds and Summary pages, identify products with high margins and high sales rates to devote your operational resources towards products with the highest return on investment
Look for unexpected changes or anomalies to identify issues
- Click through your top-selling products on the Summary page and scan each of the charts to identify large changes
- Scan the charts on the Summary page to identify large increases or decreases in sales to identify potential listing issues, pricing issues, competitive activity, and to manage inventory.
- Large spikes in returns to identify potential issues in product or packaging
Manage FBA Fees
- Use the Analyze FBA Fees page to understand which specific fees are impacting your profitability for each product
- Detect and recover incorrect FBA Fees charged by Amazon
- Filter by FBA Fee type on the FBA Fees page to spot unexpected increases in fees
Profit Analysis
- Use the Analyze Proceeds page to understand changes in profitability over time by marketplace and by product.
- Export data from the Proceeds table and add your own Cost of Goods data to calculate true profit.
Return Rate Analysis
- Identify products with high return rates to determine whether to reallocate resources or to improve the product. Use the SellerPulse FBA Returns Report to investigate why products with high return rates are being returned.
- Look for sudden increases in return rates to identify possible product, packaging, or listing issues.
Optimize Pricing Strategy
- On the Summary page, evaluate how changes in average sales price impact sales and proceeds for each product
Optimize Advertising Spend Allocation
- On the Summary page, evaluate changes in TACoS and total ad spend for each product to measure the impact of advertising spend on sales and profitability
Budget Planning and Forecasting
- Analyze historical sales, returns, and proceeds to inform inventory and budget planning.
Where does the data come from?
All of the data in the SellerPulse SKU Economics Report is sourced from the Economics dataset in the Data Kiosk reporting suite within Amazon’s Selling Partner API. This is the same dataset behind the SKU Economics Report in Seller Central.
How is this report different from the SKU Economics Report in Seller Central?
While both reports source the same dataset, the SellerPulse SKU Economics report provides many more key metrics and calculations than the one in Seller Central, including:
- Calculated metrics such as Return Rate, TACoS, Margin, and Cost to Sales.
- The ability to see Ad Spend charges and individual FBA Fee type charges over time, not just totaled over a single period.
- The ability to see key metrics aggregated across your entire marketplace, rather than just for individual products.
- The ability to sort and compare products in your catalog by key metrics, rather than analyzing one product at a time.
Can I export this data to a spreadsheet?
You can export this data to a spreadsheet by following these steps:
- Navigate to the Analyze Proceeds page
- Hover your cursor over the Proceeds Table, and click the “...” icon in the top right corner.
- On the menu, click Export Data.
- Make sure “Data with current layout” is selected in the dialogue and click “Export”